Материалы чтений памяти Б. Н. Мельниченко и С. Е. Трифонова

32 Phulkerd 2017— ​S. Phulkerd, G. Sacks, S. Vandevijvere, A. Worsley&M. Law- rence. Barriers and potential facilitators to the implementation of govern- ment policies on front-of-pack food labeling and restriction of unhealthy food advertising in Thailand [Electronic resource]. Food Policy, Vol. 71, 2017. URL: https://sci-hub.st/10.1016/j.foodpol.2017.07.014. Punyapiroje 2002 — ​C. Punyapiroje, M. Morrison & M.G. Hoy. A Nation un- der the Influence: The Creative Strategy Process for Advertising in Thai- land [Electronic resource] // Journal of Current Issues & Research in Ad- vertising. Vol. 24. № 2, 2002. URL: sci-hub.st/10.1080/10641734.2002.10 505135. THPF — ​TOBACCO CONTROL PLAN [Electronic resource] // Thai Health Promotion Foundation. URL: https://en.thaihealth.or.th/THAI- HEALTHPLANS/27/Tobacco%20Control%20Plan/?id=27. WHO 2018 — ​Death on the Roads. Based on the WHO Global Status Report on Road Safety 2018. [Electronic resource] //World Health Organization. URL: https://extranet.who.int/roadsafety/death-on-the-roads/#deaths/ per_100k. แนวหน้า 2020 — ​สสส . เปิดตัวภาพยนตร์โฆษณาตัวใหม่ ‘Bok choy’ กระตุ้นคนไทยทานผักตามฤดูกาล เลี่ยงการปน เปื้อน . URL: https://www.naewna.com/lady/479445. Видеоиздания: BBDO Bangkok 2017 — ​Thai Health Promotion Foundation — ​Speed Lim- it Monk Statue // BBDO Bangkok [YouTube channel]. Thailand, 2017. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV_pHYvjmQo. Ogilvy 2013— ​SmokingKid— ​Best of #OgilvyCannes 2012 / #CannesLions // Ogilvy [Youtube channel]. Thailand, 2013. URL: https://www.youtube . com/watch?v=g_YZ_PtMkw0. SocialMarketingTH 2020 — ​ผักนำ� // SocialMarketingTH [You- Tube channel]. Thailand, 2020. URL: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=UPNTwxfKbTk.