Материалы чтений памяти Б. Н. Мельниченко и С. Е. Трифонова

7 equipped with this device) so that students would not have any difficul- ties trying to hear his voice across the classroom. Moreover, Boris Niko- laevich would never sit during his classes — ​be it a lecture, a seminar or a regular class, he would keep standing before students, even at the most advanced age. Being a recognized scholar, Professor Boris Mel- nichenko always treated all his students — ​including freshmen — ​with sincere respect, as equals, provided them with books from his personal collection, was always eager to share the results of his researches, aca- demic experience and extensive knowledge. Guiding, advising and sup- porting his students in their academic activity, Boris Nikolaevich never limited their creativity. We shall always remember the phrase Professor Melnichenko used to repeat: “Trust yourself, your knowledge and nor- mal human logic”. ​Sergey Evguenievich Trifonov obtained his degree in Philology and Thai Language at Leningrad State University, the Faculty of Asian and African Studies in 1982. Immediately upon his graduation, he proceed- ed to work as an interpreter at the USSR Embassy in Laos. Upon his re- turn, S. E. Trifonov was invited to develop Thai Studies at the Univer- sity and to teach courses on the Thai and Lao language and translation at the Faculty of Asian and African Studies. In addition to being an in- terpreter and language teacher Sergey Trifonov was a co-author of sev- eral monographs on the variety of aspects of Thai Studies including the book “King Chulalongkorn in Russia. 1897” (co-authored with Boris N. Melnichenko), a detailed research, based on archival documents. Of particular note are the efforts of Sergey E. Trifonov on establishing con- tacts and arranging Student Exchange programs with the major uni- versities in Thailand. Moreover, his contribution to the forging and ad- vancement of contacts and friendship between Russian and Thai people was added by his work at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Thailand in Moscow and the Consulate in St. Petersburg, the Thai community. ​Sergey Evguenievich was not only a teacher of the Thai language, he was one of the greatest enthusiasts and supporters of promoting edu- cation. Of course, a brief biographical reference or simple description of his activities does not do justice to the intensity and fullness of his aca- demic life and interests as it does not reveal the uniqueness of his teach- ing approach. Being a careful investigator in many spheres of Thai Stud- ies, Sergey E. Trifonov never sought recognition in the academic field. He preferred spending more time with his students involving them in different extra-classes activities, giving them spontaneous excursions around St. Petersburg. The discussions he initiated after classes were